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Air Freight
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LTL & Truck Load
Warehousing Distribution
Customs Brockerage
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Frequently Asked Questions
Below you'll find answers to most popular and most recent frequent questions.
Purchase or sale, product or service, Carpe Diem International Transports & Logistics protects them all.
How long does the escrow process take?
How does Carpe Diem International Transports & Logistics protect me?
How does online escrow work?
When should I use Carpe Diem International Transports & Logistics?
How do I check the status of my transactions?
How do I change transaction details and terms?
How do Buyers or Sellers cancel transactions?
When are funds released to the Seller?
Are services offered through Carpe Diem International Transports & Logistics safe?
Purchase or sale, product or service, Carpe Diem International Transports & Logistics protects them all.
What is an Inspection Period, when does it start, and how long does it last?
When does the Shipping starts?
If the Buyer refuse the deal, who pays for shipping?
Do you verify the package before shipping is started?
Purchase or sale, product or service, Carpe Diem International Transports & Logistics protects them all.
How does online escrow work?
Who is responsible for paying the fees to Carpe Diem International Transports & Logistics?
Who is responsible for taxes, customs, and import fees?
What is the verification of "good funds" or "secured funds"?
Where do I send my payment?
As the Buyer, what happens to my money when I send it to Payment Agent?
How does Carpe Diem International Transports & Logistics protect against fraud?
Can I send multiple payments for one transaction?
Does Carpe Diem International Transports & Logistics accept multiple or split payments?
What forms of payment does Carpe Diem International Transports & Logistics accept?
Are there any restrictions regarding the methods of payment I can use?
Payment Options & Addresses
Bank Transfer
Can I use my credit card or PayPal as payment for a transaction?
How can I use my credit card or PayPal account when the transaction currency type is Euros?
What forms of payment are available in Euros?
How quickly are incoming payments processed?
Why does it take so long to process my payment?
How long does it take for Sellers to be paid?
If you need further information about our services, please
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